The Krasnodar Regional Clinical Dermatovenerologic Dispensary (KKVD) is the leading institution of the skin and venereological service of the Krasnodar Territory and the city of Krasnodar.
The official foundation day of the KKVD is May 21, 1923. It was on this day that the opening of the Krasnodar dermatovenerologic dispensary took place.
For almost 100 years of history, KKVD has been the largest specialized medical institution in the region and the South of Russia, which specializes in providing care for the most important dermatological pathologies, concomitant and complicating diseases, venereal diseases and urogenital infections in adults and children.
All the years of its operation, the dispensary has been a recognized leader in dermatovenerology of Kuban, a concentration of advanced medical technologies in this area of medicine.
KKVD employees are among the first to master and introduce the latest breakthrough technologies of medical science in dermatovenerology into daily practice, diagnostic and treatment equipment is updated in accordance with the modern development of the specialty.
In many areas, the dispensary is ahead: by the number of beds, in terms of the number of visits to consultative and diagnostic departments, in terms of the number of patients treated in the hospital and the consistently low hospital mortality, in terms of the number of special laboratory tests performed.
The mission of the KKVD is to provide highly qualified specialized consultative and diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic, including high-tech, medical assistance to the population in dermatovenerology, cosmetology and related profiles on an outpatient and inpatient basis, using highly effective medical technologies.
The regional clinical dispensary provides specialized medical care from routine examination and treatment methods to medical care using modern high-tech methods, using science-intensive technologies for diagnosing and treating complex diseases of the skin and its appendages, including in cases of combined pathology.
The volume of high-tech medical care is growing from year to year. This is not just an increase in quantity, it is the constant introduction of new technologies, the application of advanced medical knowledge in dermatovenerology.
In recent years, high-tech methods of dermatological care have been in great demand.
The patient's quality of life is the main reference point for specialists of the dispensary.
Doctors of medical sciences, candidates of medical and biological sciences and specialists of the highest and first category will help you diagnose the disease, correct the pathology and cope with the identified ailment.
Provision for assistance to foreigners